Leveraging Nature to Save the Marsh

Tuesday, June 47:00—8:00 PMZoom

The Great Marsh, at 28,000 acres, is the largest salt marsh system north of New Jersey, but is under threat from sea level rise, storm surge, and historical alterations from agricultural and mosquito abatement practices.  Wildlife Biologist Nancy Pau will talk about how scientists collaborated to understand the underlying causes of change in the salt marsh, and developed nature-based solutions to make the salt marsh more resilient and able to keep up with sea level rise.  Together, the Great Marsh Partners are working to restore over 5,000 acres of salt marsh in the next 5 years.  She will also discuss how a similar process can be used to understand and develop nature-based solutions to address vulnerabilities of River Road.

As Wildlife Biologist at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Nancy Pau has been working with partners to restore the health of the refuge and adjacent habitat, and preserve and protect both rare and common wildlife species.  She helped to developed the innovative techniques being used in the Great Marsh and has been working to build support and capacity for landscape level restoration work.  Nancy is a resident of West Newbury and a member of the West Newbury Garden Club, Resiliency Committee, and West Newbury Wild and Native.

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